

You need to be inside an ADE container, or have installed the dependencies manually. See Installation.

If you haven't done so already, get the source code with

$ cd AutowareAuto
$ vcs import <$ROS_DISTRO.repos

Optionally, you can choose a DDS implementation other than the default Cyclone DDS: Choosing a DDS Vendor

If running tests or demos, also pull binary files with

$ git lfs pull --exclude="" --include="*"

Use colcon defaults

It is strongly advised to use the colcon defaults file provided by Autoware.Auto to ensure that binaries are consistently built with the same flags.

Test if the required environment variable COLCON_DEFAULTS_FILE has been properly set by typing the following:


If the output is empty, follow the instruction below to configure it.

Inside ADE

After creating a fresh new ADE home according to Installation with ADE, the .bashrc will be populated to set the COLCON_DEFAULTS_FILE environment variable.

To use the colcon defaults configuration file with an existing ADE home, type the following from within ADE

ade$ echo "export COLCON_DEFAULTS_FILE=/usr/local/etc/colcon-defaults.yaml" >> ~/.bashrc

Outside ADE

Take the defaults file that comes with the Autoware.Auto source checkout and add it to your shell startup; e.g.

$ echo "export COLCON_DEFAULTS_FILE=/path/to/AutowareAuto/tools/ade_image/colcon-defaults.yaml" >> .bashrc

or manually export the variable in the terminal in which compilation commands are issued; e.g.

$ export COLCON_DEFAULTS_FILE=/path/to/AutowareAuto/tools/ade_image/colcon-defaults.yaml

How to build the code

To build all packages in Autoware.Auto, navigate into the AutowareAuto directory and run

ade$ colcon build

It's important that you always run colcon build from the repository root. If everything went well, you should not see "failed" on your screen, although "packages had stderr output" is okay.

See Compilation Optimization And Debugging Parameters for further details to influence how the code is built.

To verify that everything works as expected, see if all tests pass:

ade$ colcon test
ade$ colcon test-result --verbose

The first command will run the tests attached to the packages in your workspace. The second command gives you detailed output from the tests on which ones passed and which failed.

Advanced options

ROS 2 uses the colcon build system. For more information and details about options and flags, take a look at

colcon build --help

and see the colcon documentation. In the following, a few of the most useful options are listed. Note that colcon options are spelled with an underscore instead of a dash – this is a common cause of typos.

Selecting packages to build

To just build a single package:

colcon build --packages-select <package_name>

Note that this does not automatically also build or rebuild its dependencies recursively. To do that:

colcon build --packages-up-to <package_name>

These options are also accepted by colcon test.

Compilation Optimization And Debugging Parameters

To add a compiler flag to all packages, e.g. for enabling the undefined behavior sanitizer:

colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fsanitize=undefined"

While building Autoware.Auto, here are some common options for compilation build types:

  • Release: Optimized and fast
  • Debug: With debug flags but slow because not all compilation optimizations are applied
  • RelWithDebInfo: Fast and allows debugging to a fair-enough degree
When using the colcon defaults configuration file that ships with Autoware.Auto, the default build type is RelWithDebInfo.
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
If no optimization flags are set, then the Autoware.Auto stack may be too slow to be useful. This can happen e.g. when the CMake build type is Debug or not set at all.

Edit the colcon defaults configuration file to permanently pass extra -cmake-args to colcon build or select a different default build type. These settings can be overridden on demand by passing command-line arguments to colcon.

C++ targets in Autoware.Auto are built with additional options set centrally by the directives in autoware_auto_cmake.cmake and the autoware_set_compile_options() function defined in that file. The settings are imported to a package through depending on the autoware_auto_cmake package in a package.xml


and importing the build dependencies in CMakeLists.txt


See Seeing compiler commands to check the compiler flags.

A small number of targets deactivate optimization flags regardless of the release type in order to reduce the build time. To override this, call colcon build --cmake-args -DAUTOWARE_OPTIMIZATION_OF_SLOW_TARGETS=ON.

Compilation Database Generation

In order to let IDEs analyze the build dependencies and symbol relationships, a compilation database can be generated with the following flag:

colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1

Configuration variables

The Autoware build system defines global variables that can be set to change the build configuration. For example, to enable downloading artifacts at build time:

colcon build --cmake-args -DDOWNLOAD_ARTIFACTS=ON

See the CMake variables.

Cleaning the build output

colcon isn't very good at being stateless, so when you build, make changes, and build again, you can sometimes end up with a different result than when you build from scratch. To make sure you're getting a fresh build of a package, just do

rm -rf {build,install}/my_package

to remove all build artifacts associated with that package. Alternatively, if you don't want to delete the old binaries, you can specify custom build and install directories:

colcon build --build-base build_mybranch --install-base install_mybranch

Seeing compiler commands

To see the compiler and linker invocations for a package, use

VERBOSE=1 colcon build --packages-up-to <package_name> --event-handlers console_direct+

Starting from a clean slate

Most issues with building Autoware.Auto are caused by out-of-date software or old build files. To update ade and the Docker containers it manages as well as clear old builds, run the following in your adehome/AutowareAuto folder:

$ ade stop
$ sudo ade update-cli
$ ade start --update --enter
ade$ cd AutowareAuto
ade$ rm -rf build/ install/ log/ src/external/
ade$ git pull
ade$ vcs import <$ROS_DISTRO.repos

If you are using Autoware.Auto outside of ade, try updating your system and running the following in your AutowareAuto folder and re-building (where $ROS_DISTRO is the current distro, e.g. foxy):

$ rm -rf build/ install/ log/ src/external/
$ git pull
$ source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
$ vcs import <$ROS_DISTRO.repos

If you are still having trouble after these commands have been run, please see the Support Guidelines for where to ask questions.